This year will mark the 50th anniversary of Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan, a notion propagated by Tun Abdul Razak during Kongres Kebudayaan Kebangsaan which aims to act as a guideline in our nation-building process in terms of creating an all-encompassing national identity.
The Real Divide: Class Insensitivity in Times of Crisis
They say ignorance is bliss, but what happens when being tone deaf gets you into trouble? From designer face masks to paid utility bills, privilege is taking on new forms as class differences find themselves glaring in the spotlight during this global pandemic.
Mencari Intipati Agama di Era Pandemik
Dari sudut teologi, ada satu pengajaran penting yang dapat kita pelajari dari situasi wabak Covid-19 ini. Ketika ritual-ritual agama yang kita anggap begitu penting boleh ditinggalkan atau diubah demi maslahat umum, kita berhadapan dengan persoalan mendasar: apakah intipati dari agama itu sendiri?
COVID-19: The New Normal
The lifting of current restrictions, whenever that is, should not signify an immediate return to business as usual. Malaysia is now into the fourth week
Peering Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic
With Malaysia’s number of recorded cases continuing to rise, the government has implemented a Movement Control Order (MCO) to reduce the rate of infection and flatten the curve. The economic impact of COVID-19 must be addressed.
Malay(sia): A Memoir (2)
“Dulu,” he whispered. “Aku Kristian, tau.”
“Yea… aku keluar dari Islam dulu, jadi Kristian.”