Based in Kuala Lumpur, IMAN Research is a think tank which focuses on the domains of protective security, peacebuilding and sustainable development. Research is spearheaded by experts with extensive local and international experience in the areas of prevention/counter violent extremism, ethnic-religious issues, social policy and community resilience and engagement such as participatory approach in urban policy and research and psycho-social intervention with communities in or from conflict zones.
IMAN Research identifies areas to make Budget 2025 more impactful, focus to strengthen human security
IMAN Research identifies 6 areas which can be str engthen to improve ‘human security’ aspect. This includes mental health suppor t, protection from violence and climate resilience.
Protecting Malaysian Multiculturalism: Understanding and Addressing Drivers of Hate & Extremism Post 2018 to 2023
Analysing Malaysia means one has to unpack chunks of the country’s challenges: race, religion, economics and social capital, and the entry points are many. And it is true that Malaysian politics revolves around two things: race and religion. Governments and prime ministers change, but the two bogeymen live on.
Celebrating An Inclusive Malaysia
Malaysia is being challenged with an increasingly polarised society, interethnic and religious tensions is on the rise, the widening gap of inequity, increasing online presence for hateful extremism and a fractured political landscape. Now, more than ever Malaysia needs to come together but this can only happen if our community is resilient and there is enough empathy from everyone.
The Malaysian Identity: A Social Dilemma
This year will mark the 50th anniversary of Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan, a notion propagated by Tun Abdul Razak during Kongres Kebudayaan Kebangsaan which aims to act as a guideline in our nation-building process in terms of creating an all-encompassing national identity.
The Real Divide: Class Insensitivity in Times of Crisis
They say ignorance is bliss, but what happens when being tone deaf gets you into trouble? From designer face masks to paid utility bills, privilege is taking on new forms as class differences find themselves glaring in the spotlight during this global pandemic.
Mencari Intipati Agama di Era Pandemik
Dari sudut teologi, ada satu pengajaran penting yang dapat kita pelajari dari situasi wabak Covid-19 ini. Ketika ritual-ritual agama yang kita anggap begitu penting boleh ditinggalkan atau diubah demi maslahat umum, kita berhadapan dengan persoalan mendasar: apakah intipati dari agama itu sendiri?
Membunuh Curiga
She Builds Peace – Women and Peacebuilding 2020
As part of the Malaysian launch for the “She Builds Peace” campaign, we interviewed several people about peace and the role of women in peacebuilding. Here’s what they have to say…
Pondok Manusiawi #3 – Hubungan Muslim dan Non-Muslim
Bagaimanakah sepatutnya seorang Muslim berhubungan dan sahabatnya yang beragama lain? Dalam episod ketiga Pondok Manusiawi, Ustaz Wanji mengupas tentang hubungan muslim dan non-muslim melalui hadis nabi dan juga pendapat para ulama.
Our mission is to provide on the ground realities through rigorous academic and informal research, working with academics, journalists, activists and policy makers. The data is then provided to governments, development actors and specialists working in policy.
We aim to be a regional think tank focusing on society, beliefs and perception, and have regional reach. ASEAN is our playground, while Malaysia is home.