With Malaysia’s number of recorded cases continuing to rise, the government has implemented a Movement Control Order (MCO) to reduce the rate of infection and flatten the curve. The economic impact of COVID-19 must be addressed.

With Malaysia’s number of recorded cases continuing to rise, the government has implemented a Movement Control Order (MCO) to reduce the rate of infection and flatten the curve. The economic impact of COVID-19 must be addressed.
Apabila budaya berpolitik bertujuan meneruskan status quo, pihak baru harus hadir di dalam badan penggubalan undang-undang tersebut untuk mengimbang kembali pemikiran politik dan polisi pemerintah
“Menjengkelkan” – itu mungkin perkataan yang terbayang di dalam kepala apabila anda mendengar perkataan politik. Rasa mual yang terkait pula semakin dirasakan dengan aksi-aksi mencapub
Last year, there was an incident involving the local chapter of the atheist group Atheist Republic in Malaysia posted up a photo from their gathering