PRK Kimanis adalah rentetan kekosongan kerusi Parlimen Kimanis berikutan penerimaan Perakuan Mahkamah Persekutuan yang mengisytiharkan keputusan pilihan raya umum bagi parlimen itu, yang disandang oleh
(Mulutkecoh blog. The Internet.) 1. In June 2017, I wrote this. I can’t remember if I contributed this to The Malaysian Insider; I know
En Route to ICERD: Malaysia at an Impasse (Part 2)
Updated on 8th December 2018 (originally written on 1st November) PART II: Weighing In The Reactions Delving further into the opinions of some important personalities
En Route to ICERD: Malaysia at an Impasse
Updated on 8th December 2018 (originally written on 1st November) PART I : About Human Rights On the 23rd of October 2018, Pusat KOMAS organized
Regarding Global City
Whenever I hear the term global city, I picture a bloodied Al Pacino, machine-gun in hand, staring out the window of his tacky, over-the-top luxurious
An Hour with…. Maria Chin Abdullah
An Hour with… is The Affair’s Occasional Interview Series with personalities who have influenced policy, and made changes to a national landscape. Maria Chin Abdullah