To commemorate IMAN’s 5th anniversary on April 1st, we are launching our monthly advisory. The publication will be released on the last Friday of the
Author Archives: IMAN Research

She Builds Peace – Women and Peacebuilding 2020
As part of the Malaysian launch for the “She Builds Peace” campaign, we interviewed several people about peace and the role of women in peacebuilding. Here’s what they have to say…

PRESS STATEMENT – Whither ‘New Malaysia’? Resolve Political Turmoil Now or Risk National Security
The current political turmoil striking Malaysia is dangerous and a threat towards national security. The main concern regarding security is the question on who is

Believing in Extremism: What Drives Our Youths
In 2017, IMAN undertook a multiyear project to see if violent extremism was a foreign concept among rural and urban Malaysian youths. The results were

Women and Radicalisation
Many see women as the softer, gentler sex. Many are coming to realize that women, especially women radicals and militants play a much bigger and

Youth Perception on New Malaysia 2018.
In 2018, UNICEF commissioned a small report on how Malaysian youths perceived the new Pakatah Harapan ‘s first one month in government. The study saw