Analysing Malaysia means one has to unpack chunks of the country’s challenges: race, religion, economics and social capital, and the entry points are many. And it is true that Malaysian politics revolves around two things: race and religion. Governments and prime ministers change, but the two bogeymen live on.
ON THE EDGE: Vulnerabilities of Rohingya Refugees in Malaysia
IMAN Research (IMAN) embarked on a research and capacity building project to examine the risk of radicalisation and propensity towards violent extremism among vulnerable communities, particularly Rohingya refugees in Malaysia in 2019.
Election Sentiments Analysis of Malaysia’s 15th General Elections (GE-15)
Malaysia’s 15th General Election was held on the 19th of November 2022 against the backdrop of rising cost of living, political instability and global uncertainties.
Data menunjukkan 1 daripada 5 atau 20% orang yang tinggal di kawasan konflik mengalami isu kesihatan mental (ICRC, 2021). Natijahnya, mereka yang tinggal di zon konflik menderita masalah kesihatan mental tiga kali ganda lebih berbanding masyarakat awam.
According to evidence, one person in every five – 20 percent – of people who live in conflict zones have some form of mental health issue (ICRC, 2021). Hence, in a conflict affected area, people suffer from mental health issue three times more than the general public and this is not just an issue of prevalence but an issue of access.
Remembering Pattani: Patani Conflict and Negotiating Identity
I visited the National Museum in Kuala Lumpur a few months ago and saw the Patani Malay kingdom stamps being exhibited. I quickly turned on my phone camera, and sent the picture to a Patani social worker who attended a workshop IMAN organised on para-counsellor training in early October 2022, to train Patani social workers on counselling skills.