We have been working on issues on violent extremism, youth, politics, civil society and marginalised communities since 2015. All our work is based on research and supervised rigorously by an ethics committee. You may access our reports here.
ON THE EDGE: Vulnerabilities of Rohingya Refugees in Malaysia
IMAN Research (IMAN) embarked on a research and capacity building project to examine the risk of radicalisation and propensity towards violent extremism among vulnerable communities, particularly Rohingya refugees in Malaysia in 2019.
Election Sentiments Analysis of Malaysia’s 15th General Elections (GE-15)
Malaysia’s 15th General Election was held on the 19th of November 2022 against the backdrop of rising cost of living, political instability and global uncertainties.
Data menunjukkan 1 daripada 5 atau 20% orang yang tinggal di kawasan konflik mengalami isu kesihatan mental (ICRC, 2021). Natijahnya, mereka yang tinggal di zon konflik menderita masalah kesihatan mental tiga kali ganda lebih berbanding masyarakat awam.