According to evidence, one person in every five – 20 percent – of people who live in conflict zones have some form of mental health issue (ICRC, 2021). Hence, in a conflict affected area, people suffer from mental health issue three times more than the general public and this is not just an issue of prevalence but an issue of access.

Apa Sesudah Malaysia?

Menjelang Hari Malaysia, kita seperti anak kecil yang sedang nyenyak tidur kemudian terbangun daripada lena buaiannya. Setelah sedar, kita disua dengan bermacam rempah ratus patriotisma menggantikan muluk-muluk yang pernah disepakati sejak lebih 50 tahun yang lalu. Demikian sejarah diimbau dan diselak dari kerumunan kertas-kertas lusuh tinggalan orang-orang lama.

Malaysia, Identity Politics and the Future of our Democracy

Malay-Muslim’s identity and Malaysia’s political arena are inseparable. Due to the existence of ethnoreligious based parties such as United Malay National Organisation (UMNO), Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS), and other ethnic minority parties such as Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) and Malaysian Indian Council (MIC), ethnoreligious issues have always been used for political mileage.