“I’m sorry, sir. You’re not allowed to record here.” I was told to put away my audio recorder by a grim-looking security guard. I had
IMAN Interviews Turkish Ambassador, Dr. Merve Kavakcı (Part 1)
Participants: Iman Zambasri, Elida Izani (I) & Dr. Merve Kavakcı (K). Read the interview here: Dr. Merve Kavakcı (Part 1) Dr. Merve Kavakcı (Part 2)
“That’s not MY story”: Addressing issues of fantastical representations of the GE14 elections in the film, Rise: Ini Kalilah
My GE14 story involved volunteering as a PACA to safeguard the electoral process. Others I have talked to would have their own stories to tell;
Kemiskinan, Tauhid Sosial & Perlawanan
“Betapa sering kita mendengar suara azan dari menara-menara di kota-kota Arab yang abadi ini; Allahu Akhbar! Allahu Akhbar! Betapa sering kita membaca atau mendengar Bilal,
Budaya Ilmu & Masyarakat Canggung
Ramai ahli ilmu kita yang ketika ini sedang memendam kegusaran dan kebimbangan atas kemendapan wacana ilmu di Malaysia. Seakan-akan sudah tiada ketertarikan masyarakat atas ilmu
PRESS STATEMENT Youth Perception on New Malaysia
IMAN Research, a Malaysian think tank which studies society, religion and perception, found that youths played pivotal role in the recent shift of political power.